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To be eligible for federal grants and loans, state grants and scholarships, AACC scholarships, and federal and AACC student employment funds, 学生必须满足联邦政府(HEA Sec)制定的所有令人满意的学术进步(SAP)标准. 484(c), 34 CFR 668.16(e) 34 CFR 668.32(f) 34 CFR 668.34).

令人满意的学业进步(SAP)并不决定学生是否有资格获得从属学费减免, tuition waivers for students with disabilities, 获得Start奖学金的老年人或高中生的学费减免.

Minimum Standards

  • Minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) = 2.0.
  • Credit completion rate (pace) = 67 percent.
    学生必须通过至少三分之二(67%)的课程, as measured by comparing total completed credits to total attempted credits.
  • 学生必须在不超过教育计划公布长度150%的时间内完成他们的教育计划. 例如:修读60学分课程的学生必须在修满90学分之前完成所有AACC的毕业要求.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Criteria

Completed credits

Completed credits include “A,” “B,” “C,” “Pass,, “TR” and usually “D” grades, 除非特定的课程或学术项目明确规定“D”不是及格分数.

Attempted credits

Attempted credits include, but are not limited to developmental credits, ESL credits, credits taken at AACC, 所有由AACC记录和注册办公室评估并被接受为等效转学的学分. Courses that are passed, failed, withdrawn, forgiven, “无分数课程”和非资助课程也将被视为尝试学分.

Developmental courses


Repeated coursework

经济援助资格允许学生重修未完成的课程. 在计算学生的学分完成率时,重复的课程将包括在内. The most recent grade earned will be counted in the GPA computation. 财政援助将资助成功完成课程的一次额外尝试.

Transfer credits

学生应将以前就读过的所有院校的正式成绩单提交给记录和注册办公室,以便对转学分进行评估. 在评估累计完成率和最大时间框架时,转学学分被视为尝试学分和完成学分. 

Program changes

Students on probation may be suspended if they change their major.


Satisfactory Academic Progress Evaluation

财政援助办公室将在每个学期(秋季)结束时评估所有学生的进度, spring and summer). Failure to meet the minimum standards will result in one of the following:

Financial aid warning period

符合所有院校标准,但未能达到SAP最低标准的学生,在下一学期结束时可能达到最低标准,可能会被授予警告期. During the Warning Period, 学生必须成功修完所有学分,如果在期中考试中成绩不理想,必须参加咨询预约. 在警告期结束时达到最低标准的学生可以重新获得经济援助资格,无需上诉.

Financial aid suspension

未达到最低标准,下学期结束时仍达不到最低标准者, 在一个学期内退出所有尝试的课程或未能满足试用期的条款将暂停其经济资助. Suspension results in cancellation of pending awards. 经历过阻止他们成功完成课程的特殊情况的学生可以向经济援助办公室提交恢复经济援助资格的上诉表格和支持其情况的文件进行审查.

Probationary period

提交经经济援助上诉委员会审查和批准的恢复经济援助资格上诉表格的学生将获得试用期. Registration and loan eligibility may be restricted. 学生必须遵循学业成功计划,并遵守他们的决定信中所述的所有试用期条款. Students will be evaluated again at the end of the probationary period. 不符合试用期条件的学生将被暂停经济援助资格.

How to Appeal for Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility

经济援助暂停并不妨碍学生自费进入AACC. However, 停课将阻止学生获得联邦和州项目的援助. To attempt to regain eligibility, students must:

  1. Meet with an academic advisor to develop an Academic Success Plan.
  2. 填写并提交申请恢复经济援助资格表格, documentation of extenuating circumstances, and the Academic Success Plan to the Financial Aid office.

While suspended, students must make the minimum down payment to secure their registration. Once the appeal is reviewed and a decision is granted, 学生将收到通知到他们的MyAACC电子邮件帐户和学生学术资料上列出的邮寄地址.

Get the required forms.

Denied Appeals

When appeals are denied, 学生将负责其学生账户上的所有费用. 学生可以通过在未来的学期中达到最低的SAP标准来重新获得资格.

对于背负高额学生贷款债务的学生来说,经济援助暂停和上诉被拒绝往往是永久性的, students who have been denied and reinstated in previous semesters, 以及尝试完成150%以上课程要求的学生.

学生可以通过提交主任上诉向财政援助主任再次上诉 only after one of the following:

  1. Successfully completing at least six required credits with at least a 2.0 GPA and without financial aid. 学生不能退课或挂科,也不能获得任何额外的不及格或不及格分数(W, WP, WF, F, FX, CO, I, NG) during or between the terms that they complete the six required credits.
  2. 提供原始上诉中未提交的额外文件.

These actions do not guarantee reinstatement of financial aid eligibility. 学生可以与财政援助主任预约,了解上诉决定的详细解释. The decision of the Financial Aid director is final and cannot be appealed.